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Navigating grief and uncertainty isn’t about being unshakable—it’s about being human. Allowing ourselves to feel our emotions fully creates room for healing, growth, and connection. Resilience is finding the courage to face pain and the strength to move forward, knowing we’re not alone.


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Thanks Yana for creating this!!

what I wrote this week: Data Chaos(1) https://ameikpe.substack.com/p/data-chaos-1

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Welcome, Ame :))

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This post is about building a horse breeding business.

As a result of authoring two books, I felt I should start sending out a regular newsletter, so I chose Substack.

I endeavour to share what I have learned over 50+ years in the industry. I have seen so many well-intentioned people breed a few horses, who don't have any idea what they are doing, and ultimately it is the horses which suffer - by changing hands a lot, for example.


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I wrote this and put this in last night for the week.

The article is about how to go through very difficult circumstances. I choose one very difficult circumstance in my life.

It was my calling and the fear, anxiety and the stress about doing what I needed to do almost did me in and quit, but I didn't.

There are a few tools that people can use to help get through their stressful situations.


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Restacked - I loved it.

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Hi, to all.

Thanks Yana for the additional exposure. Here's my thoughts about climate change.


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Yana, thanks again for the space!

I'm sharing today's FlashFact - on Sundays, I post an art fact, and here is the shortest version of thge story how a volcanic eruption caused orange skies in many paintings, particularly Turner's: https://flashfacts.substack.com/p/sunday-art-snapshot-j-m-w-turner

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Here is mine. Thanks for the opportunity. Looking forward to feedback from the community. https://vijayavardhan.substack.com/p/how-a-cynic-almost-killed-my-success

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Interesting read. Restacked.

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Great story!! Loved it!

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Wishing you luck and a wonderful journey.

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Always :))

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