Marylee, I so enjoyed your story, and it’s funny that when I read that chapter after you had written it, I was sobbing because it touched my heart and soul and I related so much to Val and what she was going through and when you read it again here I was sobbing again.

I told you before, and I think it bears repeating that your style of writing really puts a person in the story. There’s someone in that story that I think every single person can relate to in one way, or another and finding about your other publication, I can’t remember the name of it right now that you mentioned, and that paid subscribers get BOTH- That’s a win-win!

I’ve always understood that in reading stories like you write, which is fiction or always lessons and honestly it’s the most comfortable way to deal with a lot of life’s “uncomfortables”. Personally, I learn better that way than in step one step two step three step four I learn more and retain more and then can apply it when learning that way.

Thank you so much for sharing your story and I’m so glad I got to learn more about you. I consider you a friend and I think you’re fantastic writer and everybody should join.

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Thanks Yana!! Having this spotlight session with you was FUN! Inspiring you to consider turning to fiction (as a reader) again, got me thinking. Maybe that’s the transformation I’m meant to inspire!

You said it. “It’s like a vacation.”

We get so into learning about growing our businesses. We have to give ourselves permission to do anything else.

If taking a break to read or listen to fiction means you have a moment of respite, but are either inspired or learn just one thing about business, then why not?!

Thank you Yana. You and your Stack are One of a Kind!!

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Yes, maybe that's your "call" :) It is really like a vacation to my mind. I think you should double down on that, maybe you're onto something great :)

Thank you too, Marylee, this was so much fun! It was an amazing session!

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