Welcome to another amazing spotlight session!
It’s the place where I share the extraordinary stories of ordinary people (like you and me).
Today I’m talking to who is our winner from December Notes Challenge and who is an intrinsic coach and a life-long learner.
Warren is from Canada, with an exciting 40-year business career starting in a traditional corporate environment, shifted into entrepreneurship when he started building his online presence and pivoted to tech startups.
Warren is a leader with a strong interest in Technology and the Internet. He’s also an intrinsic coach - a skill he built throughout his business career.
He had to go through a tough period in his life when he had to “rebuild himself brick by brick”. Now he helps other people do the same offering all the tools he has. That’s how his Substack - the Mindset Rebuild was born - a place where he delivers actionable strategies for creators and entrepreneurs to beat stress, rebuild focus, and thrive every day.
He moved to Substack from X and now he sees Substack as the hub of his entire business.
Watch the video to hear his story and learn more about:
The fine line between coaching, teaching, and consulting
What is intrinsic coaching and why it matters
How Substack compares to X
"I’m really focused on building a viable business and Substack is the vehicle to let me do that", he says.
So much wisdom is packed in this episode, make sure you watch it till the end!
You’ll also learn about his Substack journey and particularly:
what’s the key to growing on Substack and how the Notes30 Challenge helped
how he approaches the days when you wanna quit
what to do to accelerate your growth
Watch the episode till the end to also get a sneak peek of what’s coming up in 2025 and what his specific programs gonna be about.
And remember to post your questions to Warren in the comments :)
Wanna have your own Spotlight Session?
You can take the place under the spotlight in one of the next sessions and talk about your personal story and your Substack!
All you need to do is:
Be a paid member of my Unplugged newsletter
Аdd yourself to the Accountability Tracker
Every month I choose two winners - one for the Notes and one for the Writing Challenge. Watch all previous spotlight sessions here.
I see you inside!
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